Id Software game director Tim Willits is fond of saying that "you can drive anything" in Rage 2, so when we talk at QuakeCon I ask him about the mech being piloted by a enemy faction boss in the gameplay trailer.
"Oh yes, yeah," Willits says. "That guy's awesome."
"Is that something I can drive, too?" I ask. "Can I defeat him and jump in his mech?"
"That's funny you said that!" he says. "Because we were talking about that. And someone said, 'You know a journalist is going to ask you if [players] could drive that', and I said 'No one's gonna ask us that!' It doesn't have wheels. 'Someone's gonna ask you.'"
I guess that someone is me, though Willits still won't give me an answer. "We have talked about it," says Willits. "But that's all I'm gonna say. We have talked about it."